Our motto, “The Remedy is Experience”, reflects the overall mission of our program.
The purpose of our postgraduate year one (PGY1) residency program is to develop accountability; practice patterns; habits; and expert knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities in pharmacy practice. PGY1 residency programs build upon Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) education and outcomes to develop pharmacist practitioners with knowledge, skills, and abilities as defined in the educational competency areas, goals, and objectives. Residents who successfully complete PGY1 residency programs will be skilled in diverse patient care, practice management, leadership, and education, and be prepared to provide patient care, seek board certification in pharmacotherapy (i.e., BCPS), and pursue advanced education and training opportunities including postgraduate year two (PGY2) residencies.
The purpose of our PGY2 programs is to build upon the broad-based competencies achieved in a PGY1 residency, deepening the resident's ability to provide care in the most complex of cases or in the support of care through practice leadership. Residents will have the opportunity to function independently as practitioners by conceptualizing and integrating accumulated experience and knowledge and transforming both into improved medication therapy for patients. Upon completion of this program, the resident should possess the competencies that enable attainment of board certification and qualify for a career path in their respective specialty area.
The purpose of our postgraduate year one (PGY1) residency program is to develop accountability; practice patterns; habits; and expert knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities in pharmacy practice. PGY1 residency programs build upon Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) education and outcomes to develop pharmacist practitioners with knowledge, skills, and abilities as defined in the educational competency areas, goals, and objectives. Residents who successfully complete PGY1 residency programs will be skilled in diverse patient care, practice management, leadership, and education, and be prepared to provide patient care, seek board certification in pharmacotherapy (i.e., BCPS), and pursue advanced education and training opportunities including postgraduate year two (PGY2) residencies.
The purpose of our PGY2 programs is to build upon the broad-based competencies achieved in a PGY1 residency, deepening the resident's ability to provide care in the most complex of cases or in the support of care through practice leadership. Residents will have the opportunity to function independently as practitioners by conceptualizing and integrating accumulated experience and knowledge and transforming both into improved medication therapy for patients. Upon completion of this program, the resident should possess the competencies that enable attainment of board certification and qualify for a career path in their respective specialty area.
Q. When are applications due in PhorCas?
A. The application deadline is January 5, 2025 11:59 PM EST
Q. Which programs were available in the match?
A. We are recruiting for five PGY1 positions and all seven PGY2 positions (Amb Care x 3, EM x 2, ID x 2). We have started our early commitment process and will update the website prior to the application deadline regarding the availability of PGY2 positions.
Q. Will interviews be on-site or virtual?
A. While we believe that the ideal interview would be on-site so that you can fully appreciate the setting and "vibe" of our hospital, as well as having the opportunity to meet your potential co-residents. We also realize that traveling long distances for interviews is financially and emotionally draining. Thus, if we invite you to interview with our programs, we strongly encourage you to visit us in person, in Brooklyn. However, if this presents a hardship AND you would be traveling more than the equivalent of a THREE hour drive to arrive at our location, you may request a virtual interview. Virtual interviews are conducted in the same format as an in-person interview, without the tour. If you would like to be considered for a virtual interview, please contact the RPD for the program that you are applying to for more information.
Q. When do the residency programs start?
A. The PGY1 start date is July 1, 2025 with mandatory paid orientation starting approximately three weeks prior. The PGY2 start date is July 8, 2025
Q. How long do the residency programs last?
A. Each program has a term of one year (52 weeks). The PGY1 program starts with a house staff orientation (generally 2-3 weeks prior to July 1). Incoming PGY1 residents are compensated for their additional orientation period. The PGY2 programs start on July 8th, 2025 and end on July 7th, 2026; there is no additional orientation period for incoming PGY2s.
Q. What are the salaries for your residency programs?
A. The PGY1 program salary is currently $50,538 (if the FLSA "Final Rule" is enacted, the salary will increase in accordance with the regulation). With the paid orientation, an incoming PGY1 would earn up to $53,453 for the 55 weeks of employment. TBHC PGY2 residents currently earn $52,948 (if the FLSA "Final Rule" is enacted, the salary will increase in accordance with the regulation) for their one year term. LIU PGY2 residents will earn $58,656 for their one year term.
Q: Is there funding available for professional meeting attendance?
A: Yes, for TBHC and LIU residents, limited funding is available for up to two professional meetings if the resident is presenting. Additional information can be found in the resident travel policy (R-013)
Q. Did you early commit for any PGY2 programs?
A. We have early committed two Ambulatory Care PGY2 positions for 2025-2026 at this time.
Q. Does your hospital sponsor visas?
A. No. TBHC does not typically sponsor visas. If you are currently on a visa, you must be able to demonstrate to us that your visa will allow you to work as a resident up to and including the last day of each program (June 30th for PGY1 and July 8 for PGY2). If not, you would be in violation of our residency agreement and thus, would not be eligible for candidacy in our program. If you are seeking a residency through a visa, please contact the Residency Program Director directly to discuss options.
Q. Were there be any significant changes to the program(s) this coming year?
A. In 2023, we reduced the frequency of the in-house on-call program. PGY1 Residents can generally expect to be on-call once per week from 8 AM to 8 PM (12 hours). Some of those shifts may be converted to overnight (24 hours) on average one to two shifts per month (14 to 24 per year). This is a dramatic reduction to the former on-call program that included approximately 60 overnight (24 hour) shifts done by previous residency classes. This change was in response to feedback from our residents. No major changes are anticipated for 2025.
Q. What are the potential interview dates for 2025?
A. PGY-1 Interviews are will be held on Fridays in February. PGY2 Interviews are held mid-week in February
ResourcesUseful Links |
NOTICE: New York State and hospital vaccination policies are subject to ongoing changes. Currently all hospital employees and vendors are mandated to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 (effective 1/31/2022) and wear an appropriate mask within the hospital when case trend warrant masking. If you should match with our residency, you will be required to conform to the policy that is in place at the time the residency position begins.
Residency Manual
Please note that our Residency Manual was revised in 2024 to reflect changing ASHP accreditation standards that went into effect July 1, 2023. Candidates must review all policies prior to interviewing for any residency position.
Program Structure
PGY2 Ambulatory Care
PGY2 Ambulatory Care [LIU]
PGY2 Emergency Medicine [LIU]
PGY2 Infectious Diseases
Residency Policies |
R-015 PRECEPTOR REAPPOINTMENT [not applicable to residents]
Benefits Summary
Please note that benefits for the PGY2 programs that are affiliated with Long Island University are provided by Long Island University. The summaries linked below are for the PGY1, ID PGY2, and Amb Care PGY2 programs that are sponsored by TBHC.